Short Gut Syndrome Patient, Family & Professional Support Groups

Short Gut Syndrome Diet, Oral Nutrition & Hydration

Diet Recommendations & Guidelines

Eating Challenges | Oley Conference Presentation video | slides

How to THRIVE on a Short Bowel Syndrome Diet | Oley Conference Presentation video | slides

Understanding the Importance of Diet | Oley Conference Presentation video

SBS Management & Diet | by Takeda article and link to free eBook

Short bowel syndrome: Nurtition 101 | AGA GI Patient Center article

Short bowel syndrome (SBS): Colostomy Diet | AGA GI Patient Center article

Diet & Beverage Suggestions for Short Bowel Syndrome | UVA Health article

Nutrition Guidelines for People With Short Bowel Syndrome | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center article

Nutritional Therapy in Adult Short Bowel Syndrome Patients with Chronic Intestinal Failure | NIH National Library of Medicine medical journal article


Diet and Medication Strategies to Reduce Diarrhea in Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) | Oley Conference Presentation slides

SIP Staying Hydrated with Oral Rehydration Solution: ORS Recipes | (by Takeda) pdf eBook

Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS): Oral rehydration solutions | AGA GI Patient Center article

ORS: The Solutions to Optimize Hydration in Short Bowel Syndrome | Nutrition Issues in Gastroenterology medical journal article

Books and eBooks

Living and Thriving with Adult Short Bowel Syndrome

This website is created by families for families. This site does not provide medical or any other health advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. This site and its services, including the information above, are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical or health advice, examination, diagnosis, and treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other health care provider before starting any new treatment, making any changes to existing treatment, or altering in any way yours or your child's current care or diet regimen. Do not delay seeking or disregard medical advice based on the information on this site. Some of the information on this site may be incorrect or out of date. No health information on this site is regulated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and therefore the information should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease without the supervision of a medical professional.